
The impact of COVID-19 on buyers agent Melbourne industry

The impact of COVID-19 on buyers agent Melbourne industry


The outbreak of COVID-19 has affected almost all aspects of the economy, including the real estate industry.

Melbourne’s buyer’s agent industry has not been spared either, and its operations have been significantly impacted.

Melbourne’s best buyers agency, real estate agent, and buyers agent are professionals who help individuals in purchasing a property.

They are an essential part of the real estate industry and play a critical role in helping clients make informed property searches and smart property decisions.

In this article, we will discuss the impact of COVID-19 on Melbourne’s buyer’s agent industry.

The Impact of COVID-19 on Melbourne’s Buyer’s Agent Industry

The COVID-19 pandemic has brought significant changes to Melbourne’s buyer’s agent industry. Here are some of the impacts:

Delayed Property Search

The pandemic has slowed down the property search process, as clients are more cautious and are not willing to move quickly.

It has also become difficult to schedule inspections, and the number of open homes has reduced.

Reduction in the Number of Sales

The pandemic has led to a reduction in the number of sales, which has negatively impacted the buying and selling agents’ income. Also read about The Benefits of Using a Buyer Agent in Sydney to click here.

This reduction in sales has also affected the number of investment property purchases.

Increase in Off  Market Properties

As the housing market slows down, some sellers are opting to sell their properties off the market, meaning that they are not listed publicly.

This means that buyers need to have elite buyers agents to have access to these properties.

Changes in Negotiations

The pandemic has changed the negotiation process, and buyers need to work with buyers advocates and best buyers agents to get the right price.

Buyers agents need to have excellent negotiation skills to get the best deal for their clients.

Virtual Tours

With the restriction of movement, virtual tours have become an essential tool for buyers agents to showcase their properties to their clients.

Buyers agents need to have expertise in conducting virtual tours and making virtual property inspections.

The COVID-19 pandemic has significantly impacted Melbourne’s buyer’s agent industry, and buyers need to have the best buyer’s agent to make the right investment property decisions.

Buyers’ agents need to adapt to the changes brought about by the pandemic, including virtual tours, off-market properties, and changes in negotiations.

In addition, buyers’ agents must have the knowledge and skills to help their clients make smart property decisions in this new era of the real estate industry.

Creation of an uncertain future for the housing market

The pandemic has also created an uncertain future for the housing market. There is a looming fear that the economic fallout from the pandemic could result in a reduction in property prices.

 The uncertainty means that it is essential to have an elite buyer’s agent who can help you navigate through the market and get the right investment property at the best possible price.

With the changes in the buyer’s agent industry, it is also essential to work with a reputable and experienced buyer’s agent who has a track record of getting their clients the right property.

A good buyer’s agent should also have knowledge of the Melbourne property market and the current state of the economy.

The COVID-19 pandemic has brought unprecedented challenges to the Melbourne buyer’s agent industry.

However, it is possible to make smart property decisions with the help of the best buyers agents. 

Buyers should take time to research and work with reputable buyers’ agents to ensure that they get the right investment property at the best possible price.

 With the right buyers’ agent, clients can navigate the pandemic’s challenges and make smart property decisions for a secure future.

Changes in Buyer’s agent schedule

Furthermore, the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the Melbourne buyer’s agent industry has also led to changes in the way buyers’ agents work.

Some buyers’ agents have turned to technology to offer their services virtually. This has enabled them to conduct;

  • Virtual property inspections 
  • Property searches 
  • Negotiations remotely.

The use of technology has also enabled buyers’ agents to communicate with their clients more efficiently.

They can send real-time updates about properties, schedules, and changes in the property market to keep their clients informed.

By leveraging technology, buyers’ agents can also offer a more personalized service that caters to their client’s needs.

The increased importance of off-market properties

Another impact of the pandemic is the increased importance of off-market properties. With the uncertainty in the market, some sellers have opted to sell their properties privately.

This has created a new opportunity for buyers’ agents to leverage their networks to access these properties.

However, by leveraging technology, networking, and expertise, elite buyers’ agents can continue to provide exceptional service to their clients.

The challenges presented by the pandemic have also opened up new opportunities for the industry, such as;

  •  Off-market properties, which buyers agents can leverage to benefit their clients.

In the end, with the right buyer’s agent, clients can make smart property decisions in the challenging and uncertain times brought about by the pandemic.

Buyers’ agents have also had to adapt to the changing needs of their clients. With increased demand for elite buyer agents in Melbourne, selling agent can act as buyers advocate. 

With many people working from home, buyers’ agents have had to change their schedules to accommodate clients who are now more flexible.

They have also had to adjust their strategies to cater to the changing needs of buyers, who are now more focused on properties with;

  • Home offices 
  • Outdoor spaces 
  • Access to public transport.

Increase in the demand for buyers agent Melbourne services

Moreover, the pandemic has led to an increase in the demand for buyers agents’ services. 

As the market becomes more complex and competitive, property buyers are turning to experienced buyer’s agents to help them navigate through the market.

Buyers’ agents can offer clients a competitive edge by providing them with;

  • Access to off-market properties, making negotiations on their behalf
  • Providing them with expert advice on the property market.

Where to get an Elite Buyers Agent

With Henderson, your property purchase is secured. At Henderson, our services include;

  • The best service for our esteemed buyers with an elite buying agent.
  • Buyer’s advocate hereby gives a smart property decision
  • Independence advice
  • Auction bidding
  • Pricing structure
  • Expert advice, and clear communication.


While the COVID-19 pandemic has impacted the Melbourne buyer’s agent industry, it has also presented opportunities for the industry to evolve and adapt.

By leveraging technology, networking, and expertise, buyers’ agents can continue to provide exceptional services to their clients.

They can help their clients make smart property decisions in the challenging and uncertain times brought about by the pandemic.

Furthermore, as the market becomes more complex and competitive, buyers’ agents will play a vital role in helping;

  • Buyers navigate through the market 
  • Get the right investment property at the best possible price.

The Benefits of Using a Buyer Agent in Sydney

Buyer Agent Sydney

What is a Buyers Agent in Sydney? 

A buyer agent in Sydney is an investment properties professional who represents the buyer in the estate transaction. 

They work with the buyer to find the right property, bargain the right price and conditions of the sale, and manage the purchase process.

Why use a Buyers Agent Sydney for Property Purchase?

 There are merits to using a buyers agent Sydney when purchasing property. These include:

Local Property Market Expertise 

The Buyers agents have much knowledge of the local market in Sydney, including off-market properties, upcoming assets, and market trends. 

Time and Stress Savings

 The property purchases process can be time-consuming and stressful. Sydney’s buyers agent will handle all aspects of the affairs, saving you time and reducing your stress levels.

Professional Negotiations

The Buyers agents are experts in negotiating the best possible price and conditions for their clients. They work to secure the best deal for you, taking the pressure off of you to negotiate with the selling agent.

Access to Off-Market Properties

The Sydney Buyers agent has access to off-market property, which are best properties that are not open. This gives you access to goods that may not be open to the public, increasing your chances of finding the best property and giving good property advice.

Knowledge of Property Managers 

In addition to their knowledge of the Sydney property vends, buyer agents have links with property organiser. They can help you find a reputable property organiser manager to handle your home or investment property.

Commercial Real Estate

 If you are looking to purchase real estate, a buyer agent/ estate agent can provide valuable expertise in this area. They can help you navigate the real estate market and find the best property for your needs.

Working with Sellers

The Buyers agent works with selling agents to find the best property for their clients. 

They can provide valuable insights into the strengths and wrongs of each property, they help in property search and the entire process, helping you make an informed decision.

There are numerous benefits to using a buyer agent in Sydney when purchasing property. Property purchasers must note that, whether you are a first-time buyer or  property investors, a buyer agent can help you navigate the local market, find the best property in the Sydney property market, and manage the purchase process. 

Working with Buyers Agent Sydney and Selling Agents

While buyer agents represent the interests of the buyer, seller represents the interests of the seller. In some cases, real estate agents may act as both a buyer agent and a seller. 

It’s important for property buyer agency to understand that real estate industry agents have a legal rules to act in the best interests of the seller, even if they act as the buyer agent. 

For this reason, it’s important for property buyers to consider working with a dedicated buyer’s agent, when making a significant property deal.

Buyer agent can be a vital resource for property buyers, when it comes to the loan and financing process. With their knowledge of the local firm and access to a network of property investment experts, an agent can help property buying. Find the best property and secure the financing they need to make their investment a success.

Benefits of using buyers agents.

When using a buyer agent in Sydney can provide you with a range of benefits that can make your investment property journey easier and more fruitful. 

With their expertise in the local firm, skills, auction bidding, mortgage brokers, knowing the market value and access to off-market properties, buyer agent Sydney can help you find the right property that fits your needs and budget. Buyer’s agent service is enormous.

They can handle all aspects of the transaction, giving you peace of mind and freeing up your time to focus on other things.

 So if you’re looking to invest in the Sydney property firm, consider working with Buyer’s agents to get the best results for your investment.

Choosing the Right Buyers Agents in Sydney

When it comes to choosing buyer’s agents in Sydney, it is important to take your time and select one who is well-suited to your needs and goals. Consider the following factors when making your decision:


 Look for a buyer’s agent Sydney who has a wealth of experience in the Sydney property firm and a strong idea of the local real firm.


 Choose a buyer’s agent who has a good reputation and a proven track record of success. 


Select Buyer’s agent Sydney who is easy to communicate with, responsive, and who takes the time to understand your needs and goals.


Consider the services offered by the Buyer’s agent and ensure that they meet your specific goal. They help in building and pest inspections.


 Find out how much the buyer’s agent’s fees before creating appointment.

Knowing the latest real estate trends and regulations/ Investment property

Buyers agents are well-versed in the latest real estate trends and rules, and can provide valuable advice on legal and financial matters related to property investment. 

They can assist you in finding the right financing options for your purchase property buyers in the property market, and help you navigate any obstacles that may arise during the process. 

Buyer’s agent have strong ties with other buyers agent, such as property organiser/managers and seller, making it easier for you to get the support you need to make your investment a success.


Using Commercial Buyers agents in Sydney can provide you with a wide range of benefits, including local market expertise, time and stress savings, professional negotiations, find off-market properties, idea of property organiser/managers, capital growth and assistance with commercial estate purchases.

 Ask for references from past clients and read online reviews to get a sense of their expertise. The Buyers agent works with selling agents to find the best property for their clients.

How Buyers Agent Queensland Can Assist with the Property Settlement Process

buyers agency queensland


Are you an investor or home buyer looking to purchase a particular property in the Brisbane property market?

The process can be challenging, especially if you’re unfamiliar with the local market. However, hiring a buyers agency Queensland can make the process more manageable and stress-free. Here’s how:

What is a Buyer’s Agent in Queensland?

 A buyer’s agent is a licensed real estate professional who represents the buyer’s interests in a property purchase. They work solely for the buyers agency Queensland and have a legal obligation to act in their best interests.

A buyer’s agent in Queensland specializes in helping clients find and purchase properties in the local market, including;

  • Investment properties
  • Residential homes
  • Commercial properties.

Why Use a Buyer’s Agent in Brisbane?

The Brisbane property market can be complex, and purchasing property involves many steps, from researching and sales negotiation to the purchase process, including auction bidding.

 Hiring a buyer’s agent in Brisbane can assist with these processes and can provide;

  • Expert advice on the local market
  • Property values, trends, and potential investment opportunities.

The Role of a Buyer’s Agent in the Purchasing Process

 A buyer’s agent in Queensland will work with you to identify your needs and preferences; including;

  • The type of property you’re looking for
  • Location
  • Budget and other requirements.

They’ll use their local market expertise to help you find suitable properties and assist with research and sales negotiation.

Once you’ve found the property you wish to purchase, your buyer’s agent will provide expert guidance and support throughout the purchase process.

Benefits of Using a Buyer’s Agent in Brisbane

 One significant benefit of using a buyer’s agent in Brisbane is that they have access to properties not available on the open market, including;

  • Off-market listings and properties about to be listed.
  • They can also help you negotiate the best price and terms of purchase
  • Can assist with auction bidding.

An awarded buyer’s agent will have a proven track record of successful property purchases, and they can provide references from satisfied clients.

Local Market Knowledge

A buyer’s agent in Brisbane has a deep understanding of the local market, including;

  • Property values, trends
  • Potential investment opportunities.
  • They can provide valuable advice on the best suburbs to purchase property
  • Help you avoid properties that are likely to decrease in value.
  • They can also assist with due diligence, ensuring that you’re fully informed about the property’s history, potential issues, and any other relevant factors.

Research and Sales Negotiation

One of the most significant benefits of using a Brisbane buyer’s agent in Queensland is their expertise in research and sales negotiation.

  • They’ll conduct comprehensive research to find suitable properties that meet your needs and preferences
  • They’ll negotiate the best possible price and terms of purchase.
  • This can save you time and money and ensure that you purchase a property that aligns with your goals. Real estate agents can also act as Brisbane buyers agent.

Purchase Process and Auction Bidding Buying property can be a complicated process, and a buyer’s agent in Brisbane can help simplify it.

They can provide expert guidance and support throughout the purchase process, including;

  • Contract preparation
  • Due diligence
  • Settlement.
  • Assist with auction bidding
  • Ensuring that you have the best chance of securing your desired property at the most favorable price.

Awarded Buyer’s Agent in Brisbane

 If you’re looking for a buyer’s agent in Brisbane, it’s essential to choose a reputable and experienced professional.

 An awarded Brisbane buyers agency will have a proven track record of successful property purchases, and they can provide references from satisfied clients.

They’ll also have a deep understanding of the local market, and they’ll be able to provide valuable advice and guidance throughout the purchase process.

Local and International Buyers Buyer’s agents in Queensland assist both local and international property buyers looking to purchase property in the Brisbane property market.

They can provide valuable local market knowledge and advice, as well as assist with legal and financial requirements for international buyers.

They can also provide personalized services tailored to your needs, ensuring that you find the perfect property and have a stress-free purchase process.

Whether you’re a local or international buyer, hiring a buyer’s agent in Brisbane can help you find and purchase the perfect property.

 Consider hiring a reputable and experienced buyer’s agent to ensure that you have the best possible chance of success in the Brisbane property market.

How a Buyer’s Agent Can Assist with Investment Property

If you’re looking to purchase an investment property in the Brisbane property market, a buyer’s agent can be a valuable resource.

  • They can assist with identifying high-growth areas
  • Finding properties with strong rental yields.
  • Conducting research to ensure that the property is a sound investment.
  • They can also assist with property management
  • Connect you with reliable property managers to ensure that your investment property is well-maintained and profitable.

Brisbane Buyer’s Agent vs. Real Estate Agent

 It’s important to note that a buyer’s agent is not the same as a real estate agent. While both work in the real estate industry, a real estate agent primarily represents sellers and their interests.

 A buyer’s agent, on the other hand, works exclusively for the buyer and helps them find the best property to meet their needs.

The Benefits of Using a Brisbane Buyer’s Agent

There are numerous benefits to using a buyer’s agent in Brisbane. Firstly, they provide;

  • Unbiased advice and work exclusively for the buyer.
  • Ensuring that your interests are their top priority.
  • They also have access to off-market properties
  • Negotiate on your behalf to secure the best possible price and terms.

Additionally, they can save you time and money by conducting research, attending inspections, and handling negotiations.


A Queensland buyers agent can be a valuable resource for both local and international Brisbane buyers looking to purchase property in the Brisbane property market.

They provide a range of services, including property search, due diligence, negotiation, and settlement, and can help ensure a stress-free purchase process.

If you’re considering purchasing a property in Brisbane, consider hiring a buyer’s agent to help you find and purchase the perfect property.

Home Organization Tips Declutter Drawers

Declutter Drawers

Home Organization Tips Declutter Drawers

Would you like to add more minutes to your day and more money to your bank account? Get organized.

Time and Money Wasters

  • How much time do you spend looking for keys, sunglasses, your cell phone?
  • How much money are you losing in late fees and interest by not paying bills on time?
  • How much time and money are you wasting buying stamps, tools and supplies, over and over again, because you can’t find them when you need them?

It is possible to live in a beautiful and organized home without driving yourself and your family crazy. It just takes a little education and the will to develop some new habits. The payoff will be less stress in your life, and alot more time and money for fun.

Resolve to develop a different way of doing ordinary things. Stick with it for three weeks and you’ve created a new habit. One that works for you, instead of against you.

See also: best buyers agent queensland

Tips to Help You Get Organized

  • Start Small
    A small job is easier to tackle and tricks your mind into not feeling overwhelmed
  • Make it Pretty
    Add some color and creativity. It lifts your spirits and makes you want to tackle the next project
Declutter Drawers

Start by Decluttering a Drawer

  • How long will it take?
    Allow 15 minutes
  • How can I make it fun?
    Do it while watching TV, listening to music, or visiting with a friend or family member
  • What will I need to get the job done?
    • Wastebasket
    • Scrap paper for testing pens
    • Drawer dividers or cupcake tins
    • Rubber bands to corral extra pencils and pens
    • Zip lock bags for small items like extra paper clips
    • Bins or boxes to store items you need but don’t have room for in the drawer

More to read: The Benefits of Using a Buyer Agent in Sydney

Kitchen Cabinet Trends for 2023

Kitchen Cabinet Trends

What’s Out?

Honey oak cabinets. And there are a million of them out there. If this is what you have in your kitchen, consider staining them dark or painting them white. Lots of buyers still like white kitchens.

These are the hot kitchen cabinet trends for 2011. For the most part, the young urban buyer wants dark cabinets and a sleek contemporary look. They love slab stone counter tops like Cambria and Ceasarstone, and they’re interested in sustainable materials that are good for the environment.

If this isn’t your style and you’re not planning on moving anytime soon, go ahead and create the kitchen of your dreams. Our homes are meant to be enjoyed!

But if you live in an urban setting and are remodeling to sell, paying attention to trends could mean a faster sale and a higher selling price.

It’s always wise to consult a realtor familiar with your area to find out how much you can realistically afford to invest in updates and what your typical buyer wants. This will help you avoid making costly mistakes and spending more than you can hope to get back at closing.

You can further save on remodeling costs by getting multiple quotes from kitchen remodel contractors. Check references before hiring a contractor!

See also: best sydney buyers agent

Kitchen Cabinet Trends

Dark Cabinets are in Demand

Cabinet styles are getting simpler and flat panels (no decorative trim) are coming back.

This is cabinet is called Mocha Shaker. It’s a simple shaker style with a dark chocolate stain. It looks fabulous with light colored counters. Shown here with slab marble.

A really fabulous touch in a contemporary kitchen is a cabinet door with textured glass set in a stainless steel frame. Use it on upper cabinets and light the cabinet from within!

Lighter Wood Cabinets

Lighter, more exotic woods are also popular. They get a dramatic punch from dark slab or stainless steel counters. The integrated wall of cabinets, refrigerator, and ovens is the ultimate in kitchen design right now.

What’s Out?

Honey oak cabinets. And there are a million of them out there. If this is what you have in your kitchen, consider staining them dark or painting them white. Lots of buyers still like white kitchens.

More to read: How Buyers Agent Queensland Can Assist with the Property Settlement Process

Art for Staging a Home

Art for Staging a Home

Art for staging a home has a different purpose than art that’s collected for personal reasons. When someone collects art, it’s because there’s something about the piece that speaks to them.

It may remind them of a place they’ve visited. They may love the ocean, or the mountains, or cowboys. In time, their art collection expands and creates a unique and personal imprint of their life and interests.

Staging art is designed to market your home. It’s used to fill empty walls with the right size, color and style that will create excitement in a buyer and make them want to buy the house.

If you’re purchasing new art in order to sell your home, the following tips can help you get it right.

Top Ten Tips Art for Staging a Home

  1. Color matters. For greatest visual impact repeat the colors already in the room.
  2. Similar frames will give your art more punch.
  3. Stick with a consistent theme in the pictures.
  4. Think of the art and the furniture it’s closest to as one unit.
  5. Hang pictures so they’re visually within four to six inches of nearby furniture. More on this in art and mirrors.
  6. Select the size and shape of the art to fit the wall. Or, cluster several pieces to fill a very large wall.
  7. Mix up the sizes: small, medium, large.
  8. Add something fun and unexpected.
  9. Don’t overdo it. Leave some empty space.
  10. Include one large picture on your largest, most visible wall.
Art for Staging a Home

Staging Details

  • The owner added one large picture behind the dining room table. A wall this size requires a commanding piece of art.
  • Notice how the colors in the picture pick up the colors of the room and the dark accent wall.
  • Art doesn’t have to be expensive. You can frequently find staging art at bargain stores like Ross and T.J.Maxx.
  • Notice also that we turned the rug on the floor to fit the shape of the room. Think of rugs as “art” for the floor. The same rules apply.
  • Open the shades! Every room looks better in sunlight.

Does the Style of the Art Matter?

Yes it does. Whenever possible, allow the art to complement the style and setting of the home. When there is no specific style, abstract florals and abstract landscapes tend to work.

This newly remodeled home in the heart of an exciting urban re-development in Denver, Colorado boasts high contrast finishes like dark wood cabinets, slab marble counter-tops and stainless steel appliances.

More to read: Kitchen Cabinet Trends for 2023

Family Room Furniture Solution

Family Room Furniture Solution

The Problem

Sue, from Saratoga, CA needs a family room furniture solution. Sue writes:

“How do I place my furniture in my family room to create a soothing peaceful environment?”

“Please help with the creating of a soothing and uncluttered furniture placement in my family room. My current furniture placement makes the room feel very unbalanced. I feel this is partly due to the following challenges:

The fire place and built in bookcase are not centered in the room. The side of the built in book case is 37” away from the side wall. On the right the fireplace is 42” from the right hand wall with the windows in it. If I center the furniture on the bookcase and not on just the fire place, would this help create better visual harmony even though there is a 5” larger space on the right?

There is a 24” soffit with the furnace heating duct down the right hand side of the high pitched ceiling that cannot be moved. So the 4 can lights are placed to the left on the ceiling and are not centered in the room, creating more visual disharmony and is partly why I placed the sofas where they are on the left of the room.

My thought is to maybe center the 1 love seat on the fire place and the built in book case treating them as one unit while leaving the other sofa where it is. Then on the right of the room, place the two chairs squarely where they are with the small chest of drawers between them as shown. Also read more Kitchen Cabinet Trends for 2023 by visiting

All legs of the furniture would be placed on the rug thus leaving an 18” or so gap between the furniture and the walls. We need to be able to see the TV in the built in book case on the left from the sofa and chairs. The large glass coffee table would be placed in front of the sofas.”


Thank you for your question, Sue. Built-in architectural features like the TV cabinet and fireplace can really throw us.

What you have working in your favor is that your room is “roomy” and your furniture is balanced, with two matching sofas, chairs and end tables. That will help you create the symmetry you’re craving.

The Solution

  • Lay your rug down as shown in the drawing. Widest side goes wall to windows.
  • Face your sofas across from each other and pull them in a little bit from the wall and windows.
  • Square your chairs up with the sofas.
  • Place an end table with a lamp in each corner.
  • Leave your floor lamp where it is and put the plant in the other corner across the room.
  • Set the ottoman in front of one sofa and the coffee table in front of the other.

Try this family room furniture solution. Tweak it to fit your room and suit your needs. See how it feels and let me know how it worked. Family Room Furniture Placement can give you some additional ideas for fine tuning. Good luck!

Top Ten Decorating Tools

Top Ten Decorating Tools

These are the Top Ten Decorating Tools that I’ve found to be essential in my work. All make the job easier, safer, and a lot more fun.

I’ve provided links for your information. I don’t make any money from endorsing these products, but I do use them. Always shop around for the best price.

  • Furniture Sliders – For Easy Furniture Moving These amazing tools come in all shapes and sizes and allow you to easily move furniture without straining or lifting. There’s a hard plastic set that slides on carpet, and a thick felt set that will protect your hardwood floors. Be sure to use the right slider for your floor. Felt sliders won’t slide on carpet, and the hard plastic sliders will scratch a hardwood floor. If you have more than one set, you can place them under all the heavy pieces in your room and slide them around until you find just the right arrangement. Tip: Instead of lifting heavy furniture to insert the slider, carefully tip each corner just enough to get the slider under the leg of the piece. Easier on the back!
  • Raw Walnut or Pecan – Touch-up Scratches in Hardwood Floors If you have hardwood floors, or work with hardwood floors, you know that scratches are inevitable. Take a piece of walnut or pecan (yes, the nuts) and smash it into the scratch. Then just sweep up the crumbs. This works best on light to medium colored wood floors. If your floors are dark and the scratch has exposed the bare wood, go over it with a brown marker, first. Tip: Don’t eat them all.
  • Hercules Hooks – Safely Hang Heavy Pictures and Mirrors Also known as Monkey Hooks and Sidewinders (some brands are stronger). These incredible little hooks really work! You can easily insert them through drywall (by hand) and they will safely hold heavy pictures and mirrors. The long smooth hook goes inside the wall and the picture hangs on the tiny hook. To be on the safe side, I never hang the maximum weight (35 pounds) on one hook. If a picture or mirror feels really heavy, I use two, spaced about 6 to 8 inches apart. Hercules Hooks even work on plaster walls. But since plaster walls are much harder than drywall, you will have to make a small hole with a hammer and nail so that you can insert the hook. The only place you can’t use them is on solid wood, brick or masonry walls. There has to be a space inside the wall for the hook to anchor itself. If you hit a stud, use a nail instead. Tip: If you’re having trouble pushing the Hercules Hook into the wall (and you haven’t hit a stud) try pushing it through the wall “hook-side down,” then twist it around 180 degrees to hang your picture. It frequently works for some reason! If you read more about Art for Staging a Home than also click here.
  • Kapro Set & Match – Measure and Level Pictures This nifty little ruler allows you to mark two nail holes at the same time, and make them level! Why would you want to do that? Lots of mirrors and pictures come with two hooks, one on each side of the frame. This helps to distribute the weight. Usually there’s a warning not to string picture wire between them. If you ignore that warning and string wire anyway, a really heavy picture could pull one of those hooks out and send your picture crashing to the floor. I love this ruler because I can measure the distance between the hooks with one side, then I flip it over, put the zero on the ruler (midpoint) where I want the center of my picture to be and mark the distance to the hooks on each side. The level on the ruler keeps things level! Makes my life a lot easier.
  • Furniture Repair Markers in Black and Brown – Fix Scratched Wood on Frames and Furniture I use these to touch up scratches in picture frames, chair and table legs, floors, just about anything that’s brown or black. 
  • Hair Dryer – Remove Price Stickers Everybody’s got a hair dryer, but did you know you can remove sticky hard to peel off price stickers with them? Just heat the sticker until it softens and peel right off. 
  • Minwax Polyshades – Refresh Scuffed Woodwork Without Refinishing If you have wood banisters, door frames, doors, furniture, just about anything that’s wood-toned and it’s scuffed, you might be able to use this product to refresh it without stripping and refinishing. Minwax Polyshades are stain and polyurethane in one application. Important Tip: The product link above is for example purposes. Be sure to match the stain color and sheen (matte, satin, gloss) to your original wood finish. And test it on a small, inconspicuous area first. 
  • Lead Wool – Anchor Curtain Rods to Cinderblock and Masonry Walls I work in alot of older homes built prior to 1950. Many of these homes have cinderblock construction which makes it very difficult to hang curtain rods, art, and mirrors on exterior walls. If you live in a home like this, you know what I’m talking about.  When you drill your hole for the screws that are going to attach your rods or art, if you need more grip in addition to your anchor, fill the hole with lead wool. It will grip the screw and secure your drapery rod. Important Tip: Hang your heaviest pieces on interior walls. Also, lead is toxic. Wear gloves when working with it and keep it away from small children. Check with your local hardware store for small package amounts. You won’t need very much. 
  • Krud Kutter – Non-Toxic Heavy Duty Cleaner I use Krud Kutter to clean stainless steel appliances. It’ the only thing I’ve found that will remove grease and marks. If necessary, you can follow with a vinegar and water rinse and polish dry with a soft cloth.
  • Pure Ayre – Environmentally Safe Odor Eater Cat odors, smoke, and cooking smells will kill a home sale. Most air fresheners add another layer of scent that many buyers find offensive. If you’ve thoroughly cleaned and you still notice odors, Pure Ayre might help.

What’s Your Favorite Decorating Tool or Tip?

Do you have a favorite decorating tool or a tip to make home staging easier? Please share it! And if you’re a home decorator or stager, feel free to include a link to your website.

Art for Staging a Home

Art for Staging a Home

Art for staging a home has a different purpose than art that’s collected for personal reasons. When someone collects art, it’s because there’s something about the piece that speaks to them.

It may remind them of a place they’ve visited. They may love the ocean, or the mountains, or cowboys. In time, their art collection expands and creates a unique and personal imprint of their life and interests.

Staging art is designed to market your home. It’s used to fill empty walls with the right size, color and style that will create excitement in a buyer and make them want to buy the house.

If you’re purchasing new art in order to sell your home, the following tips can help you get it right.

Top Ten Tips Art for Staging a Home

  • Color matters. For greatest visual impact repeat the colors already in the room.
  • Similar frames will give your art more punch.
  • Stick with a consistent theme in the pictures.
  • Think of the art and the furniture it’s closest to as one unit.
  • Hang pictures so they’re visually within four to six inches of nearby furniture. More on this in art and mirrors.
  • Select the size and shape of the art to fit the wall. Or, cluster several pieces to fill a very large wall.
  • Mix up the sizes: small, medium, large.
  • Add something fun and unexpected.
  • Don’t overdo it. Leave some empty space.
  • Include one large picture on your largest, most visible wall. You can also read more about How Buyers Agent Queensland Can Assist with the Property Settlement Process by visiting

Staging Details

  • The owner added one large picture behind the dining room table. A wall this size requires a commanding piece of art.
  • Notice how the colors in the picture pick up the colors of the room and the dark accent wall.
  • Art doesn’t have to be expensive. You can frequently find staging art at bargain stores like Ross and T.J.Maxx.
  • Notice also that we turned the rug on the floor to fit the shape of the room. Think of rugs as “art” for the floor. The same rules apply.
  • Open the shades! Every room looks better in sunlight.

Does the Style of the Art Matter?

Yes it does. Whenever possible, allow the art to complement the style and setting of the home. When there is no specific style, abstract florals and abstract landscapes tend to work.

This newly remodeled home in the heart of an exciting urban re-development in Denver, Colorado boasts high contrast finishes like dark wood cabinets, slab marble counter-tops and stainless steel appliances.

Top Ten Tips for Mixing Fabric Patterns

Top Ten Tips for Mixing Fabric Patterns

Nature mixes color, pattern, contrast and texture with perfection. Designers study the subtle rules of nature and aspire to recreate its beauty in furnishings and fabric. The perfect mix of fabric and color can make a room sing.

Where Do You Start?

Being able to create a beautiful fabric mix takes talent, skill and an intuitive sense of knowing when something is right. Designers speak of starting with inspiration. That means you start with something you love. When you start with your favorite pattern then follow the Top Ten Tips for Mixing Fabric Patterns, everything will fall into place, like magic.

Learn from the Pattern Masters

Ralph Lauren is among the best. His mixes are always elegant, tasteful and exciting. I’ll use his Lake House bedding collection as an example.

Top Ten Tips for Mixing Fabric Patterns


The pattern you love most will either be a curvy/floral or a geometric/stripe/plaid/check. There are millions of patterns, but for simplicity, they all fall into one of these two categories. I can’t emphasize enough how important it is to start with a pattern you love. If you don’t love it, don’t bother. You will never be happy with the outcome. Click here to read more about The Benefits of Using a Buyer Agent in Sydney.

  • If your first pick is curvy/floral, next pick a geometric with a common color
  • If your first pick is a geometric, make your second pick curvy/floral with a common color

Note: Here the common color is red


The most exciting pattern mixes include a large, medium and small pattern. Add some of each.


Add a solid in the common color to “ground” it.


Match your background shade! Note that in all the samples, the background color (the lightest color) is ivory. If your starting pattern has a brighter white background, stay consistent with a brighter shade of white.


When adding more fabrics to the mix, pull a different color out of one of your first two choices. Design doesn’t happen in isolation. The most pleasing mixes connect the colors.


Pull a dark shade out of one of the patterns to give your mix some punch. This strong navy stripe, repeating the navy in the plaid, is perfect.


What color does for the eyes, texture does for the skin. Include some “touchables,” something smooth, nubby, sleek and soft.


Give the eyes a break with a neutral. Notice how many brown shades there are in nature; tree trunks, branches, dirt, rocks and sand. They soothe. They also make flowers, sky, water, and grasses seem more vivid. A tan cable knit and the cream colored knit add texture and calm.


The Golden Mean and the 60-30-10 Rule are guidelines for finding the right balance in your colors and fabric. Which color you choose as your dominant one is up to you. But for a beautiful outcome, strive to add the others within nature’s perfect proportions.


Repeat your major fabrics two or three times.